Defining the Business Needs and Solution Scope

Defining the Business Needs and Solution Scope is an intermediate to advanced course designed to provide the knowledge needed to begin working on identifying business needs and analyzing the benefits of various solution options to help limit the choices before work gets underway or even before the solution work is chartered. In particular, this course “precedes” the typical project-life cycle as it sets up the benefits, value and possibilities that the change may bring, which then become the focus of the initiation phase of a project to implement those changes and execute the strategy.

Learning objectives

  • Explain how the concepts of business needs and value drive change initiatives.
  • Describe the importance of business cases to solution recommendation.
  • Use current state analysis to identify business needs, goals, and objectives.
  • Relate the discipline of benefits management to solution recommendation.
  • Utilize stakeholder and capability analysis to plan future states.
  • Conduct feasibility assessments on solution alternatives.
  • Develop and present business cases for or against potential solutions.

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